
How to download FC 24 Mobile App

Here's a detailed guide on how to download and install FC 24 on your Android or iOS devices:

  1. Go to the download section.
  2. Tap on the download button.
  3. Select your device, if it's iPhone, select iOS (Jump to step 6). If it's Android, select Android.
  4. For Android phones, APK (No OBB required) file will be downloaded.
  5. Install the APK file and open it.
  6. You will have to complete the short verification.
  7. Game will be successfully installed on your phone.

Note: Make sure your device is running iOS 12 or higher. For Android devices, make sure you are running 5.0 or above. The game perfectly works on Samsung, Google Pixel, OnePlus, Vivo, Oppo, Motorola, Asus, and more.

FC 24 on iPhone


FC 24 Mobile features

FC 24 Mobile lets you have the true football experience on your phone or tablet. We have now introduced centralized gaming where you can switch between consoles and play.

For example, you can play on your Playstation or Xbox and pause the game and resume it from your phone. This allows you to have high graphics experience anywhere you go.

We have also added new motion capture technology to capture player movements perfectly. Professional players like Lionel Messi, Mbappe, Neymar, and many more helped us capture their movement. The game feels more realistic than ever.

EA Sports license with FIFA expired so the name has been changed to EA FC. This makes our company free from FIFA rules and regulations.

We have also added Erling Haaland for the cover of Mobile FC 24 and he has the potential to be a long-term cover athlete for EA Sports FC.


FC 24 Cover

We are excited to announce that we have decided to use Hypermotion V on all Android and iOS devices too. Now you can enjoy the life-like experience on your phone.

We placed arrays of cameras around the stadium to recreate the exact motions witnessed in world-class competitions. Imagine reliving iconic moments like Holland's goal against Dortmund in the Champions League.

With FC 24 on Android or iPhones, You can unlock a library of over 1200 unique running styles. All the running styles are crafted from volumetric data of real players in the real field. It means every player has their distinct movement making everything authentic and truly immersive.

We have also partnered with Opta to gather real-world data for each player. They provide us with the data for each player, and how well they pass and shoot. This allows players like Sam Kerr to have instinctive finishing or Neymar's signature dribbling skills.

FC 24 Mobile has raised the bar for any football games on mobile. So gear up, get your phone ready and download the game.


Experience FC 24 Mobile Now!
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